Hi there the community is not dead/off, sometimes the members are doing other works and the time is not enough. If you make projects you know how it is, i am a very active member, and as me there are others too, just like me that comes every day to check on Monstra.
Now about the fact that Monstra uses a FlatFile database instead of MySQL is very simple:
Monstra is:
- Easy to install, upgrade and use.
- Uses best frontend and backend optimization practice.
- Fully responsive for mobile devices, tablets, and normal computer screens.
- Is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website.
- Provides amazing api's for plugins, themes and core developers!
- Multi-user (You can create several adminstrators, editors, users for your site.)
- Secure (Monstra provides multiple levels of security to keep hackers out.)
Monstra is a modern and lightweight and very very but very fast!
If you use a MySQL DB you will not load the pages as fast as a FlatFile DB.
Well the rest you have to discover with time.
http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms
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