Topic: Monstra 3.0.1 bootstrap Glyphicons don't work

Hi Guys

I found a problem with the BASE install of Monstra, When trying to use the Glyphicons that bootstrap provide.

When loading a page that uses the Glyphicon class the Font files are not loaded and this causes weird icons.
The only way to resolve this problem is to move the Fonts from /public/assets/fonts to /public/assets/css/fonts
then the bootstrap css can load the font files.

When looking at the Bootstrap.css file you can see the file folder placement is currect but does not load the files

@font-face {
font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
src: url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot');
src: url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg') format('svg');

I'm not sure if this is a Browser/Bootstrap/Monstra problem but if you need a quick fix to get the Glyphicons working create a folder in the css called fonts and copy the glyphicons_halflingsregular files into this folder and you can have glyphcons.

Re: Monstra 3.0.1 bootstrap Glyphicons don't work

Try this:

Replace ../ to hosting url  like  
@font-face {
font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
/* your url here like  */
src: url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot');
src: url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../../../topic/730/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg') format('svg');
..::: Moncho Varela ::::..   ..::: @Nakome ::::..   ..::: Github ::::..

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