1 (edited by dextra 2014-09-05 15:06:39)

Topic: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

link download https://www.dropbox.com/s/kyc1tra6gbqqn … e.zip?dl=0


Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

excellent editor. works well. smile

3 2014-11-03 18:32:25

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

I'm attempting to use this in monstra 3.0.1 and it won't show at all in the admin

4 2014-11-04 06:55:03

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

wesy2kn1 wrote:

I'm attempting to use this in monstra 3.0.1 and it won't show at all in the admin

look video http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php … 8632724027

5 2014-11-05 10:41:18

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

good very

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

How can i config this plugin?

summernote/src/js/settings.js : doesn't work.

7 2015-02-01 05:07:12

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

No answer?

8 2015-02-01 11:18:43

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version


Hi there, what to you want to edit on summernote?

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

9 2015-02-01 19:05:29

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

Hi wormsunited,
I want configure what can i see to back office.
Example : delete line height.

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version


If you want to edit the CORE of summernote you have to go at: plugins/summernote/summernote/src/js/settings.js

Here is the code of the file:

define('summernote/settings', function () {
  var settings = {
    // version
    version: '@VERSION',
     * options
    options: {
      width: null,                  // set editor width
      height: null,                 // set editor height, ex) 300
      minHeight: null,              // set minimum height of editor
      maxHeight: null,              // set maximum height of editor
      focus: false,                 // set focus to editable area after initializing summernote
      tabsize: 4,                   // size of tab ex) 2 or 4
      styleWithSpan: true,          // style with span (Chrome and FF only)
      disableLinkTarget: false,     // hide link Target Checkbox
      disableDragAndDrop: false,    // disable drag and drop event
      disableResizeEditor: false,   // disable resizing editor
      codemirror: {                 // codemirror options
        mode: 'text/html',
        htmlMode: true,
        lineNumbers: true
      // language
      lang: 'en-US',                // language 'en-US', 'ko-KR', ...
      direction: null,              // text direction, ex) 'rtl'
      // toolbar
      toolbar: [
        ['style', ['style']],
        ['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'strikethrough', 'clear']],
        ['fontname', ['fontname']],
        // ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], // Still buggy
        ['color', ['color']],
        ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
        ['height', ['height']],
        ['table', ['table']],
        ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video', 'hr']],
        ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview']],
        ['help', ['help']]
      // air mode: inline editor
      airMode: false,
      // airPopover: [
      //   ['style', ['style']],
      //   ['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
      //   ['fontname', ['fontname']],
      //   ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], // Still buggy
      //   ['color', ['color']],
      //   ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
      //   ['height', ['height']],
      //   ['table', ['table']],
      //   ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video']],
      //   ['help', ['help']]
      // ],
      airPopover: [
        ['color', ['color']],
        ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']],
        ['para', ['ul', 'paragraph']],
        ['table', ['table']],
        ['insert', ['link', 'picture']]
      // style tag
      styleTags: ['p', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'],
      // default fontName
      defaultFontName: 'Helvetica Neue',
      // fontName
      fontNames: [
        'Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New',
        'Helvetica Neue', 'Impact', 'Lucida Grande',
        'Tahoma', 'Times New Roman', 'Verdana'
      // pallete colors(n x n)
      colors: [
        ['#000000', '#424242', '#636363', '#9C9C94', '#CEC6CE', '#EFEFEF', '#F7F7F7', '#FFFFFF'],
        ['#FF0000', '#FF9C00', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#9C00FF', '#FF00FF'],
        ['#F7C6CE', '#FFE7CE', '#FFEFC6', '#D6EFD6', '#CEDEE7', '#CEE7F7', '#D6D6E7', '#E7D6DE'],
        ['#E79C9C', '#FFC69C', '#FFE79C', '#B5D6A5', '#A5C6CE', '#9CC6EF', '#B5A5D6', '#D6A5BD'],
        ['#E76363', '#F7AD6B', '#FFD663', '#94BD7B', '#73A5AD', '#6BADDE', '#8C7BC6', '#C67BA5'],
        ['#CE0000', '#E79439', '#EFC631', '#6BA54A', '#4A7B8C', '#3984C6', '#634AA5', '#A54A7B'],
        ['#9C0000', '#B56308', '#BD9400', '#397B21', '#104A5A', '#085294', '#311873', '#731842'],
        ['#630000', '#7B3900', '#846300', '#295218', '#083139', '#003163', '#21104A', '#4A1031']
      // fontSize
      fontSizes: ['8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '14', '18', '24', '36'],
      // lineHeight
      lineHeights: ['1.0', '1.2', '1.4', '1.5', '1.6', '1.8', '2.0', '3.0'],
      // insertTable max size
      insertTableMaxSize: {
        col: 10,
        row: 10
      // callbacks
      oninit: null,             // initialize
      onfocus: null,            // editable has focus
      onblur: null,             // editable out of focus
      onenter: null,            // enter key pressed
      onkeyup: null,            // keyup
      onkeydown: null,          // keydown
      onImageUpload: null,      // imageUpload
      onImageUploadError: null, // imageUploadError
      onToolbarClick: null,
       * manipulate link address when user create link
       * @param {String} sLinkUrl
       * @return {String}
      onCreateLink: function (sLinkUrl) {
        if (sLinkUrl.indexOf('@') !== -1 && sLinkUrl.indexOf(':') === -1) {
          sLinkUrl =  'mailto:' + sLinkUrl;
        } else if (sLinkUrl.indexOf('://') === -1) {
          sLinkUrl = 'http://' + sLinkUrl;
        return sLinkUrl;
      keyMap: {
        pc: {
          'ENTER': 'insertParagraph',
          'CTRL+Z': 'undo',
          'CTRL+Y': 'redo',
          'TAB': 'tab',
          'SHIFT+TAB': 'untab',
          'CTRL+B': 'bold',
          'CTRL+I': 'italic',
          'CTRL+U': 'underline',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+S': 'strikethrough',
          'CTRL+BACKSLASH': 'removeFormat',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+L': 'justifyLeft',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+E': 'justifyCenter',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+R': 'justifyRight',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+J': 'justifyFull',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+NUM7': 'insertUnorderedList',
          'CTRL+SHIFT+NUM8': 'insertOrderedList',
          'CTRL+LEFTBRACKET': 'outdent',
          'CTRL+RIGHTBRACKET': 'indent',
          'CTRL+NUM0': 'formatPara',
          'CTRL+NUM1': 'formatH1',
          'CTRL+NUM2': 'formatH2',
          'CTRL+NUM3': 'formatH3',
          'CTRL+NUM4': 'formatH4',
          'CTRL+NUM5': 'formatH5',
          'CTRL+NUM6': 'formatH6',
          'CTRL+ENTER': 'insertHorizontalRule',
          'CTRL+K': 'showLinkDialog'
        mac: {
          'ENTER': 'insertParagraph',
          'CMD+Z': 'undo',
          'CMD+SHIFT+Z': 'redo',
          'TAB': 'tab',
          'SHIFT+TAB': 'untab',
          'CMD+B': 'bold',
          'CMD+I': 'italic',
          'CMD+U': 'underline',
          'CMD+SHIFT+S': 'strikethrough',
          'CMD+BACKSLASH': 'removeFormat',
          'CMD+SHIFT+L': 'justifyLeft',
          'CMD+SHIFT+E': 'justifyCenter',
          'CMD+SHIFT+R': 'justifyRight',
          'CMD+SHIFT+J': 'justifyFull',
          'CMD+SHIFT+NUM7': 'insertUnorderedList',
          'CMD+SHIFT+NUM8': 'insertOrderedList',
          'CMD+LEFTBRACKET': 'outdent',
          'CMD+RIGHTBRACKET': 'indent',
          'CMD+NUM0': 'formatPara',
          'CMD+NUM1': 'formatH1',
          'CMD+NUM2': 'formatH2',
          'CMD+NUM3': 'formatH3',
          'CMD+NUM4': 'formatH4',
          'CMD+NUM5': 'formatH5',
          'CMD+NUM6': 'formatH6',
          'CMD+ENTER': 'insertHorizontalRule',
          'CMD+K': 'showLinkDialog'
    // default language: en-US
    lang: {
      'en-US': {
        font: {
          bold: 'Bold',
          italic: 'Italic',
          underline: 'Underline',
          strikethrough: 'Strikethrough',
          subscript: 'Subscript',
          superscript: 'Superscript',
          clear: 'Remove Font Style',
          height: 'Line Height',
          name: 'Font Family',
          size: 'Font Size'
        image: {
          image: 'Picture',
          insert: 'Insert Image',
          resizeFull: 'Resize Full',
          resizeHalf: 'Resize Half',
          resizeQuarter: 'Resize Quarter',
          floatLeft: 'Float Left',
          floatRight: 'Float Right',
          floatNone: 'Float None',
          dragImageHere: 'Drag an image here',
          selectFromFiles: 'Select from files',
          url: 'Image URL',
          remove: 'Remove Image'
        link: {
          link: 'Link',
          insert: 'Insert Link',
          unlink: 'Unlink',
          edit: 'Edit',
          textToDisplay: 'Text to display',
          url: 'To what URL should this link go?',
          openInNewWindow: 'Open in new window'
        video: {
          video: 'Video',
          videoLink: 'Video Link',
          insert: 'Insert Video',
          url: 'Video URL?',
          providers: '(YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, DailyMotion or Youku)'
        table: {
          table: 'Table'
        hr: {
          insert: 'Insert Horizontal Rule'
        style: {
          style: 'Style',
          normal: 'Normal',
          blockquote: 'Quote',
          pre: 'Code',
          h1: 'Header 1',
          h2: 'Header 2',
          h3: 'Header 3',
          h4: 'Header 4',
          h5: 'Header 5',
          h6: 'Header 6'
        lists: {
          unordered: 'Unordered list',
          ordered: 'Ordered list'
        options: {
          help: 'Help',
          fullscreen: 'Full Screen',
          codeview: 'Code View'
        paragraph: {
          paragraph: 'Paragraph',
          outdent: 'Outdent',
          indent: 'Indent',
          left: 'Align left',
          center: 'Align center',
          right: 'Align right',
          justify: 'Justify full'
        color: {
          recent: 'Recent Color',
          more: 'More Color',
          background: 'Background Color',
          foreground: 'Foreground Color',
          transparent: 'Transparent',
          setTransparent: 'Set transparent',
          reset: 'Reset',
          resetToDefault: 'Reset to default'
        shortcut: {
          shortcuts: 'Keyboard shortcuts',
          close: 'Close',
          textFormatting: 'Text formatting',
          action: 'Action',
          paragraphFormatting: 'Paragraph formatting',
          documentStyle: 'Document Style'
        history: {
          undo: 'Undo',
          redo: 'Redo'
  return settings;

To delete or edit line height settings you need to go at: plugins/summernote/summernote/src/js/editing/Style.js

Here s the code

define(['core/dom'], function (dom) {
   * Style
  var Style = function () {
    // para level style
    this.stylePara = function (rng, oStyle) {
      var aPara = rng.listPara();
      $.each(aPara, function (idx, elPara) {
        $.each(oStyle, function (sKey, sValue) {
          elPara.style[sKey] = sValue;
    // get current style, elTarget: target element on event.
    this.current = function (rng, elTarget) {
      var $cont = $(dom.isText(rng.sc) ? rng.sc.parentNode : rng.sc);
      var oStyle = $cont.css(['font-size', 'text-align',
                                'list-style-type', 'line-height']) || {};
      oStyle['font-size'] = parseInt(oStyle['font-size']);
      // document.queryCommandState for toggle state
      oStyle['font-bold'] = document.queryCommandState('bold') ? 'bold' : 'normal';
      oStyle['font-italic'] = document.queryCommandState('italic') ? 'italic' : 'normal';
      oStyle['font-underline'] = document.queryCommandState('underline') ? 'underline' : 'normal';
      // list-style-type to list-style(unordered, ordered)
      if (!rng.isOnList()) {
        oStyle['list-style'] = 'none';
      } else {
        var aOrderedType = ['circle', 'disc', 'disc-leading-zero', 'square'];
        var bUnordered = $.inArray(oStyle['list-style-type'], aOrderedType) > -1;
        oStyle['list-style'] = bUnordered ? 'unordered' : 'ordered';
      var elPara = dom.ancestor(rng.sc, dom.isPara);
      if (elPara && elPara.style['line-height']) {
        oStyle['line-height'] = elPara.style.lineHeight;
      } else {
        var lineHeight = parseInt(oStyle['line-height']) / parseInt(oStyle['font-size']);
        oStyle['line-height'] = lineHeight.toFixed(1);
      oStyle.image = dom.isImg(elTarget) && elTarget;
      oStyle.anchor = rng.isOnAnchor() && dom.ancestor(rng.sc, dom.isAnchor);
      oStyle.aAncestor = dom.listAncestor(rng.sc, dom.isEditable);
      return oStyle;
  return Style;

You sure need to know about Javascript in order to edit some variables wink

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

U can change the language or Line height ?

12 2015-02-02 11:47:28

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version


You have all the code there you may change the values on it and edit as you wish in order to meet your criteria wink

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

13 2015-02-02 20:59:30

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

Yes i understand. But for me, when i change the value, he doesn't work. i want know if for your when you change the value, it works  ?

14 2015-02-02 21:46:59

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version


Yes, you need to refresh the page and clear Cookies that helps, also in your Monstra Backoffice, delete tempory files.
By the way i am using Monstra 3.0.1


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

15 2015-02-04 05:03:03

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

Ok hmm i don't understand what i do false but nothing work for me, I can delete or change parameters and... nothing..
I don't know why. (and yes for cookies and tempory files)

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version


You have to look in the files were the changes are made or in the core files from the developer wich is: @dextra.

Try to send him a PM maybe dextra can reply to you and help you on that.


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

17 (edited by dextra 2015-02-04 12:18:08)

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version


ok follow the steps below

1) go plugins/summernote/summernote.plugin.php line 38



2) go plugins/summernote/summernote/dist/summernote.js line 2344


height: 'Line Height',


height: 'Line Height', //Enter here the language you want


Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

Thx, work perfectly ! And you can change the toolbar at line 2444

toolbar: [
          ['style', ['style']],
          ['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
          ['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
          ['color', ['color']],
          ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
          ['height', ['height']],
          ['table', ['table']],
          ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video']],
          ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview']],
          ['help', ['help']]

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

Nice that is fixed ;-)

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

20 2016-10-30 21:05:21

Re: New Plugin Summernote Monstra 3x Version

The background color of the dropdown buttons look very weird.
Is there a way to change it manually?