Topic: Protect from direct access to the admin
open file admin/index.php
before that line
// Display login template require 'themes'. DS . Option::get('theme_admin_name') . DS . 'login.template.php';
add this
// new link to admin area - http://yoursite/admin/?test // sha1('test') = a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3 reset($_GET); $secretkey = 'test'; if( !array_key_exists($secretkey, $_GET) && Cookie::get('key') != sha1($secretkey) && sha1(key($_GET)) != sha1($secretkey) ) { $end = explode('/',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $end = $end[array_pop(array_keys($end))]; header('location: '.Option::get('siteurl').'аdmin/'.$end); // redirect to a nonexistent page (the first letter "а" in the word "аdmin" - on cyrillic), preserving all link parameters entered by the user }else{ Cookie::set('key', sha1($secretkey), 600); }