Ho great News !!!
Is a new template admin based on bootstrap 3 ?
I love new feature in media manager (create directory)
whether this use of bootstrap 3? ohh.. I've been waiting for this bro.
good job! can not wait for this
good job!
New Monstra in progress! Short Video Review
never would be available to upgrade;
Ho yes, Blog Plugin as a part of Monstra CMS !, thx
never would be available to upgrade;
- Mobile Ready! Monstra fully responsive for mobile devices, tablets, and normal computer screens.
- Update Twitter Bootstrap to 3.0.3
- Admin: New Modern User Interface
- Site: New default theme
- W3 layout fixes
- Filesmanager plugin: added ability to create directories.
- Filesmanager plugin: added ability to create & edit files.
- Responsive Chocolat Lightbox instead of TB Lightbox
- Blog Plugin as a part of Monstra CMS
- CodeMirror Plugin as a part of Monstra CMS
- Site Url without trailing slashes
- Admin Help Section - added
- Monstra Dashboard created and set as default Plugin for Admin Panel
- Ink Framework for Monstra Email Templates
- Emails Manager Plugin added.
- HubSpot Messaging Library added for notifications
- Update jQuery to v1.10.2
- Users Plugin getGravatarURL() improve
- Plugin API - Actions - Closure support added.
- Core: Better statuses notification (error,success,warning)
- Core: Store user_email in Session
- Core: Javascript may be broken if there is no break line - fixed
- Core: Added ability to avoid caching JS/CSS by the browser.
- Sandbox Plugin cleanup
- Localization: Major Fixes
Good job Awilum, strongly its output
Everything is going according to plan
Monstra 2.4.0 - in progress!
- Mobile Ready! Monstra fully responsive for mobile devices, tablets, and normal computer screens.
- Update Twitter Bootstrap to 3.0.3
- Admin: New Modern User Interface
- Site: New default theme
- W3 layout fixes
- Filesmanager plugin: added ability to create directories.
- Filesmanager plugin: added ability to create & edit files.
- Responsive Chocolat Lightbox instead of TB Lightbox
- Blog Plugin as a part of Monstra CMS
- CodeMirror Plugin as a part of Monstra CMS
- Site Url without trailing slashes
- Admin Help Section - added
- Monstra Dashboard created and set as default Plugin for Admin Panel
- Ink Framework for Monstra Email Templates
- Emails Manager Plugin added.
- HubSpot Messaging Library added for notifications
- Update jQuery to v1.10.2
- Users Plugin getGravatarURL() improve
- Plugin API - Actions - Closure support added.
- Core: Better statuses notification (error,success,warning)
- Core: Store user_email in Session
- Core: Javascript may be broken if there is no break line - fixed
- Core: Added ability to avoid caching JS/CSS by the browser.
- Sandbox Plugin cleanup
- Localization: Major Fixes- And a lot of other features!
will have Menu drop down?
yeah thats exactly what i asked about if your able to add menu drop down but 2.3.1 sems not to have such feature so i hope 2.4.0 will have it
But why do monstra automatically rename files? When i upload a file like dsc_1203.jpg, monstra will rename is to dsc-1203.jpg.
Also when editing js. This makes me crazy, because i have to fix often filenames in the Templates.
markus, because all file names goes through Security::safename to avoid dangerous symbols. thanks for this notification, I will recheck this.
Ticket created https://github.com/Awilum/monstra-cms/issues/231
Nice work.. look forward to...
@awilum Thanks, this would be cool.
1) Make possible to copy images url in Files manager admin panel, cause right click does not copy image's url it copy only "#" (lightbox)
2) Make possible to turn off / on blocks and snipets (without deleting them).
Ok, new issues was created
1) https://github.com/Awilum/monstra-cms/issues/232
2) https://github.com/Awilum/monstra-cms/issues/233
Is there a chance see at least a beta soon?
Nice work!
Hey Awilum,
If you like i can translate it do Portuguese (Euro) correctly please drop me languages files if you what