1 2012-04-16 13:49:33

Topic: Guestbook


Guestbook plugin for Monstra!

After installation Guestbook will be available at url http://siteurl/guestbook

Download: guestbook.zip

Monstra Loves You! Give some love back!

Re: Guestbook

Any demo please? Or screenshoot?

3 2012-11-20 06:11:53

Re: Guestbook

The guestbook plugin how to use?

4 2012-11-20 14:33:45

Re: Guestbook


1) http://monstra.org/documentation/plugins-installation
2) After installation Guestbook will be available at url http://siteurl/guestbook

Monstra Loves You! Give some love back!

Re: Guestbook

Markdown and Guestbook with installation conflict arises.

Re: Guestbook


Aw, snap! An error has occurred while processing your request.

[31-Mar-2013 02:45:58] ErrorException: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /html/plugins/guestbook/views/frontend/index.view.php at line 3

7 2014-01-27 12:49:26

Re: Guestbook

Здравствуйте. А возможно ввести форму гостевой книги на всех страницах сайта? Инклужу form.view.php на другие страницы сайта, форма не срабатывает. Подcкажите куда копать? Или она будет работать только в url /guestbook

8 2015-01-06 00:31:49

Re: Guestbook

Hi there, thanks for the plugin, but did you notice that when we submit the guestbook details we are redirected to domain.comguestbook and its a 404 not found error, should be like domain.com/guestbook! Do you have that update done yet?

Thanks in advance

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

9 2015-01-06 07:46:30 (edited by Jo2003 2015-01-06 07:49:15)

Re: Guestbook

In guestbook.plugin.php change function main() to following code:

         * Guestbook main functions
        public static function main() {
            // Get guestbook table
            Guestbook::$guestbook = new Table('guestbook');
            // Select all records
            $records = Guestbook::$guestbook->select(null, 'all');
            // Get post data
            $username   = Request::post('guestbook_username'); 
            $email      = Request::post('guestbook_email');                    
            $message    = Request::post('guestbook_message');
            $actionlink = Option::get('siteurl').'/guestbook';
            $errors = array();
            // Add new record
            if (Request::post('guestbook_submit')) {
                if (Security::check(Request::post('csrf'))) {
                    if (Request::post('guestbook_username') == '' || Request::post('guestbook_email') == '' || Request::post('guestbook_message') == '') {
                        $errors['guestbook_empty_fields'] = __('Empty required fields!', 'guestbook');
                    if ( ! Valid::email(Request::post('guestbook_email'))) {
                        $errors['guestbook_email_not_valid'] = __('Email address is not valid!', 'guestbook');
                    if (Option::get('captcha_installed') == 'true' && ! CryptCaptcha::check(Request::post('answer'))) { 
                        $errors['users_captcha_wrong'] = __('Captcha code is wrong', 'users');
                    if (count($errors) == 0) {
                        Guestbook::$guestbook->insert(array('username' => $username, 'email' => $email, 'message' => $message, 'date' => time()));
                } else { die('csrf detected!'); }
            // Get index view
            Guestbook::$guestbook_records = View::factory('guestbook/views/frontend/index')
                        ->assign('records', $records)
            // Get form view
            Guestbook::$guestbook_form = View::factory('guestbook/views/frontend/form')
                        ->assign('token', Security::token())
                        ->assign('actionlink', $actionlink)
                        ->assign('username', $username)
                        ->assign('email', $email)
                        ->assign('message', $message)
                        ->assign('errors', $errors)

The problem is the redirect link which in original misses  a slash.

Best regards,

Re: Guestbook

Yes that's it! thank you Jorg

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

11 2015-07-24 10:43:50

Re: Guestbook

Fixed few bugs and mostly design part, works fine with Monstra 3.0.1

DEMO: http://free.demo-mp.monstrapro.com/guestbook
DOWNLOAD: guestbook.zip Monstra 3.0.1

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website

Re: Guestbook

If you mean locally rather than online you will need a development environment such as https://www.apachefriends.org
extract the latest Monstra build into the root folder (probably htdocs) and run the install from you browser.

For plugins extract the files from the relevant archives to the plugins folder in Monstra. Then install them via Monstra control panel

More details and online installation: http://monstra.org/documentation/installation

will's Website

Re: Guestbook

RomanArt wrote:

Fixed few bugs and mostly design part, works fine with Monstra 3.0.1

DEMO: http://free.demo-mp.monstrapro.com/guestbook
DOWNLOAD: guestbook.zip Monstra 3.0.1

I found a bug in the guestbook, when you write a link, then after this message is displayed is not correct... Please fix this bug!

Re: Guestbook

ya i can see that not sure why T_T

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website


Re: Guestbook

Took a look.  The problem goes away when I disable the markdown plugin. I'll see if I can figure out how to fix...

monstrahost's Website

16 (edited by monstrahost 2016-02-10 22:11:46)

Re: Guestbook

Not sure exactly what the problem is, but it seems you can fix it by editing the view file at



This works with markdown plugin active.

monstrahost's Website