Topic: Monstra Creative - First Monstra Theme Club
Hi there and greetings to all members!
As you could see in the past few days I have posted a lot of Topics and Posts regarding our Monstra Club!
It was given to all members of the oportunity to have a free account for 1 year period without any limitation.
Many have made the registration and we are very gald to have them on our Club.
So the MonstraCreative Club have changed to a new visual look, more smart, intuitive and inovative design to meet all members standart's.
Here is a ScreenShot of our new website made with Monstra version 3.0.1
If you have not made your registration, you may do it now also, we have a special discount to members!
1 - Visit and click "Join the Club Now" Button.
2 - On your registration form, type on the message box "I LOVE MONSTRACREATIVE"
When you do this, you will get 6 months free membership! This is exclusive to already registred members at Forum!
Became a member and download our Themes, Plugins and get Support at our Forum and get Hosted for free with a new domain name (eg: or host your own!
Dont wait any longer, visit >
Need help? Login at your account at: -> You have a excellent support center at our website!