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Monstra → Snippets → Change Date Format/Language to Your Local Format/Language
1 Topic by tovic 2013-10-13 05:27:01 (edited by tovic 2013-10-13 17:29:07)

- tovic
- Monstra Student
- Offline
- From: Banyumas, Indonesia
- Posts: 84
- Reputation : [ 5 | 0 ]
Topic: Change Date Format/Language to Your Local Format/Language
Before: 17-12-2013
/* plugins/blog/views/frontend/index.view.php */
After: Selasa, 17 Desember 2013
XSS Testing
Re: Change Date Format/Language to Your Local Format/Language
nice, good job 
I'm not like them but I can pretend.
Posts: 2
Monstra → Snippets → Change Date Format/Language to Your Local Format/Language